Facebook has really changed, hasn’t it? But, one of the features that I haven’t liked is the “On this day # of Years ago” notification. It just makes me cringe! Mainly because the memories that are brought up are from my younger, more awkward, less-good-looking self! Sometimes, I do receive good moments, though.

However, after thinking about what the usage of Facebook will be in the future (well, at least for me), I realized that I will be looking forward to these reminders from the past a lot more. I would like to be reminded of the memories that I am creating with the friends I am with now. I don’t know what’s going to happen to Facebook in 10 years, but I do know that it has the potential to become a great virtual time capsule.


Ask yourself this: Who knows the real you? Who knows every situation and accomplishment you’ve been through? Who knows every single idea and thought that ran through your mind? Who is your biggest supporter of your future self from the very beginning?


How many of you have written something to your future self? That you are proud of them. That they got this! That they should pursue that goal they may have on their mind.

It’s ok if you haven’t, and this is a friendly suggestion that you can. Use that platform to post stuff that your future self (1, 3, 5, or even 10 years from now!) will appreciate, smile, cry tears of joy, or even laugh to! I just think it’ll be nice to receive encouragement or whatever message from our past self, don’t you think?

And if you’re afraid to post something that you don’t want others to read or see, hint: change your privacy setting for that specific post to “Only me.”

So, of course keep posting for others, but don’t forget to post for yourself, too.

What are some things you have written to yourself?